If you aren't into coupon clipping, join 75% of Americans who are missing out on cash saving deals each week. One of the easiest ways to save money at the grocery store and other places is to frequently clip coupons. On average, I save roughly $150 - $300 a month by using coupons and buying discounted gift cards from sites like ebay. Gift cards that get me the most savings are usually Home Depot, Walmart, Target, Visa, and Amex. And with the gift cards, I double my savings using my coupons I get from coupons.com or my local Sunday paper.
It's really true that the local paper contains approximately $300 worth of coupon savings each week, but who actually uses all of the coupons in the Sunday paper. My favorite coupons are for dog food and glade plug ins to be quite honest. I do find tremendous savings for diapers, soy milk, butter, and other dairy products I use often and typically save around $160 on average each week. If my husband and I agree on other items that can benefit the family and that are within our budget, then I splurge with other coupons in the paper along with the gift cards. When you add in the cost of the Sunday paper at less than $6 bucks a month, it's totally worth it. So whenever those kids come by with the scholarship program offering the newspaper at a cheap price, you betcha’ I’m signing up, their prices are cheaper than going directly to the newspaper.
Recently I added myself to the newsletter of all of my favorite restaurants so I can join in on a free birthday meal. Places like Ryan's or Country Harvest, Black Angus, Olive Garden, and Spaghetti Warehouse to name a few have some really good bargains for your birthday meal. Baskin Robins, Chilis, Cold Stone, and Red Robin aren't so bad either. And if you're like me cutting back during this "Great Recession" being humbled by living on a tight budget, then you will love Red Robins free burger coupon, man I love that place, or Ryan’s and Country Harvest 2 for 1 deal, what a steal!
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